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Nepal has faced many problems regarding the health especially in rural areas of the country. The Health of Nepalese has been poor compare to the other rich or developed countries in the world. The major health problem of Nepal is water borne diseases.
Nepal categorizes as one of the poorest drinking water in South Asia.In Nepal there is a caused by a virus water borne disease which has been major health problem and it is also said that water borne disease is transmitted through contaminated water. "To improve our drinking water quality, management and manner are the two important factors, there also should be a community level participation because we have lacked both," said Dr. M.R. Chhetri, Assistant Professor, Nepal Medical College, Teaching Hospital. Due to the poor maintenance of waterways ,not good in quality of various water sources,open leakage of dirty water are some of the main causes of bacterial contamination. To improve the quality of drinking water and sanitation for Nepalese there is need to invest US$ 2 billion which government of Nepal is not applying. These kind of activities of disease health problem is more in rural areas where no proper sanitation of water, health facilities,awareness programme should be conduct in these way we can overcome health problems of nepal. So these is the main problems of health problem of nepal related with water.


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