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In nepal society especially girls are been pressurized by family member in rural area. The girls are not able to attend school till now because the parents think that they are for the household work. Son are given the most priority by parents. There is a belief also that by giving birth to son they can directly ascendant to the heaven or in case if boy is not born then there will be a close door for heaven forever.
Girls have to face lots of problem like they are allowed to move freely like man for late hours, they are not allowed to go alone, they are not allowed to be with boys and many more. These kind of behaving of parents still done today. Many girls are living like a bird in cage. Even some boys are restricted to go out late at the night. Parents calling their children to come home soon earlier. Not even in the behavior but also in the fashion. They will put some restriction regarding the clothes, hair as well as in others. So much pressure regarding to girls rather than boys. But some parents are understanding regarding this matters.
Due to the family tension especially girls are more likely to do suicide than boys due to family pressure. In love life also many boys and girls has done suicide due to the family pressure in nepal. Even the parents who are liberal thinking or educated want make their children to be free but some parents gives freedom to their children. Many parents give freedom according to sex like male or female. But in nepal girls are more likely to have pressure than boys.


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