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Dinner with their family finds kids are less likely to smoke, drink, do drugs or get into fights than those who are left to their own devices at dinner time.
In these challenging world family refer or provides a safe haven for parents and children in the same manner. Family dinners which not only satisfy our physical and emotional needs, but it also offer a time to teach our children the value of caring for others as well.
Family dinner helps in sharing the for us to the value our family relationships, rather than take them for some advantage. Most of the time having dinner together as a family also keeps us in touch, it also keeps us next to one another of our family members activities and experience of life. It helps the family group that we develop an ability to discuss, to express our opinions and thoughts ,to be within ourselves and allow others to be themselves as well. We feel less isolated or alone in the world when we know there are people who love and care about us, no matter what we are going through in our life time.
Having dinner together is probably the way to promote good health and nutrition. In a reseach shows that in front of the T.V. even if the meal is served, kids eat healthier than those who don't dine with loved ones. When a family dinner together, they eat better.
Eating together, no matter what you eat, slows down the process, extending family time. It's also gives value of sharing.
If a family dinner just won't work out try breakfast so it creates a routine or if u miss a day pick up where you have left off. Parents sharing a meal with the children and they will share information about their lives.
The function of a family is to give training or education the growth and development of each of its members. "Spirit" in a family is like the soil in a garden which in needed elements supports growth and development.


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