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In today's world children are the future of tomorrow.It says that the future lies on the hand of children. Children of tomorrows world are in the hand of children growing up in todays world are tommorow future. They are also individuals of today which has got fears, needs, hopes, fears, rights so they are the watchers of their own nation,
If children are not well educated then the future of tomorrow becomes darker. They should themselves must be well prepared so the world can be run in a systematic way. We should make them to go in the right path by giving them formal education which helps them to shape up their coming desires. These generation must be skillful, well-educated, desires,tactfulness and many more. Not all but most of the children should have these qualities to make a better future or better world. Children are also like living messages we sent to time we will not see.They are also one third of our population. Children should be very much patience instantly so we can learn many things.
So, it is important that children should be well prepared for there future so they might make it bright as much as possible in nearer or coming future.


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