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The act of killing oneself is called suicide or a course that destroys one position. Suicide can also be a last critical stage of the climax part of the life. It is also non fatal act which causes themselves injury.
In research it is also said that the person who has got low Intelligent Quotients are likely to follow suicide which is recently observed. There is also others things which people may attempt to do suicide like having medicine (drugs, pills), mentally sick, family , love matters, personal matters and many other things. When people go under the various difficult circumstances and which can't overcome the problems or face. There is no other options to live in their life they feel. In their mind they felt like it is not better than to live than rather die in these world. It is also word which brings the people of life keeps changing. People who felt like doing suicide nobody chosen to be born but we all have options to take up upon our own life. People commit suicide when they were not unable to cope up with failure, criticism, family matters etc. In this Male are more likely to attempt suicide. Some people use knife, hang, jump, burn, drugs
So people do suicide when they think it best to be out from their life. When they also felt life they have loose from their life already. To overcome things problem the mind should be changed or should go on counseling or therapy related with mind. These is the best way to overcome the problems.


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