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Earth is the world we live on.It is also known as surface of the earth opposed to the sky. It has given many things to us which we have being thankful . Earth is a living things of living beings which included all the living, non living, nature and many more.
The Earth where we live has given many things to us like shelter, food, nature, oxygen, air, gases etc. In these Earth it has sustain or given life to human beings or other living animals. These is the only planet where human beings are staying. It is so round and big that every things has been there like huge Mountains, Himalayan, glaciers, lakes, ponds,roads, buildings, water fall, soil,Huge animals,tree, river and other lots of things. It also has protect human beings and others living creature from the effective rays due to ozone layer which helps to protect us from harmful rays.
There is also a huge animals like dinosaurs or Jurassic age so many thousand years ago was also lived in the earth but due to the calamity disastrous period and other shortage of food they slowly became extinct. These creatures were also the habit ant in these earth. Earth is so huge that every fits in it.
But it has become merciless due to irrational behavior of human beings. Human has created earth so heavy so it is undergoing in destruction. The nature is itself has got destroyed not only by the human beings but also the natural calamities. The earth is facing global warming and environmental degradation. So we should save the earth otherwise there will lot of destruction will took place. These measures of saving can be done through awareness, willingness and most important thing is Education, preventive measures to save the earth. That's why earth has given so many thing to us so we also should be taken care of it or vice-verse. There should be equal balance between earth potential and human potential.


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