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It is very hard to define true love. Each and every body have their own perception regarding the matter of true love. True love doesn't have exact meaning. It has it's indefinite meanings. For me true love is being true to yourself and true to your lovers. It also a being of sacrificing the life of each other in each and every part of your life.
In these world there is a few to find true lovers but most of them are difficult to found. True lovers never cheat, being true, sacrifice their life, love only a one person through his whole life, determination in love. We can find true love in the film called "Romeo and Juliet". These story says that there love cannot be apart from any obstacles. They sacrifice their life by doing suicide. It shows that they can be live without each other even till the death. In real life also we can find these kind of love but it hard to get it the true lovers.
From these things we can say that the person can love someone if he/she knows the meaning of true love then only they can achieve it otherwise they wont. True love can comes when your heart says that being true to each other. It also a long lasting together never being apart, understanding each other properly so there won't be any obstacles in the love life. So there are the short detalis about what it the meaning of true love.


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