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Nepal is one of the independent country in the world. In these country the major population follow patriarchy system in which father is the head of the family. There is a family planing in some system whereas there is no family planning in some of the family members .The family system if nepal is still in big dilemma because people of nepal still in confusing regarding the family system whether to send their family in nursing home or make them to stay with them .Parents are still in confusion to make them child independent to do whatever they want or to live with the till they achieve goal.
In the urban areas there is a proper family system which is a nuclear family whereas in rural areas there is joint family. There is no constant system in Nepal family system. In Nepal there is also a system of looking after his or her parents till to their death. They have to look after them because it is the rule, system or tradition. In some part of family member only there is no system of looking parents in Nepal. But in most of the family members it is the part of the culture. A son has to look after his parents and their daughter is taken to her husband house. If the daughter is only one child of her parents so she is in charge to look after her parents. It is so because there is no system of being independent at the age of 18 of their own. They are not privileged to live oft heir own by leaving his or her parents house. So that's why these things are proceed.
The only change has occur is that in Family Planning system of Nepal due to the education in urban areas which is a nuclear family system . There is happy and small Family . In rural areas there is still Joint family due to the lack of awareness programme, education and many more. The family system of nepal can only be systematic if government made a systematic rule and regulations regarding it.


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