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Nepal is an autonomous state. The majority of people is from the Hindu religion. The Arrange Marriage is an marriage in which neither the Bride or Groom is not known each other well but the parents of both side knew about the profile. Through these agreement they will give their daughter and son. It is an normal practice done in nepal. It is an traditional wedding obtain by family members.
Before doing traditional marriage they goes under various circumstances like caste, status, family background, religion, ethnicity also the ties between families in effort to bring good relationships.
These marriage is very much popular not only in rural areas of nepal but also in the urban areas also. It is like being tradition done from ancient till now. In these modern age love marriage is more popular in another country but in nepal arrange is more popular and acceptable. Most of the Bride and groom will accept what their parents chooses their life partners but some of them will go against it. The parents wont agree to marriage someone whom they don't wishes for. The offspring also made consult so if can be a vital for them to approval to the marriage.
In these marriage there is no arrange marriage where caste has got relations like cousin, sisters, uncle and many more. Some people are against about it because they think that they will not know each other very well, unknown but some says it is good what parents choose their life partner. These kind of marriage done in Asian countries not in Europeans and western countries. These marriage is still popular in today's context in Nepal.


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