lijit search
Posted by shenmi at 3:38 AM
Pokhara is knows as the heaven city of nepal. It's valley occupy a central location in Nepal and is dominated by the peaks of Annapurna range. It's unique setting may be judged from the fact that the town of Pokhara (931 meters), is only fifty km from Annapurna (8,091 meters) cleraly seen from the valley. The northern horizon is defined by a seventy km long wall of snow and ice with numerous peaks.
Pokhara valley abounds in Lakes. Sporting activities such as canoeing and swimming are conducted on Phewa Lakes, as well as fishing on a small island is a temple dedicated to Varahi, where devotees go about their worshiping undisturbed by the goings on of holiday-makers in boats on the water and the occasional barbeques on the banks of the lake.
In Pokhara the tropical low hills and plain are the home of Brahmin, Chettri, and other Hindu castes , while the temperature highlands are mainly inhabitated by tribal Gurung and Magar.
Women weaving exquistic carpets using traditional designs and methods handed down for generations. these is also a kind of business which is done by a women. It is also means to earn the money.
It has places of geologic interest to visit, such as the Seti River gorge which flows some ninety-one meters below ground level, David falls where cascading water vanishes underground and Mahendra Cave. There are deep canyons by various tributaries of the seti river.
Pokhara is a base for all treks to the Annapurna region, several mini-treks can also be organised. In there sarangkot hill offers a spectacular bird's-eye view of Phewa Lake, the entire Annapurna range, the river Seti and the villages of Hyangja. Naundanda, the twin peaks of Machhapuchhre, the Fish Tail Mountain, can be seen.

In these Pokhara valley is humid subtropical with heavy rains during the summer. Spring, autumn and winter are ideal seasons for visiting and trekking around Pokhara valley. It is connected by daily flights with Kathmandu and also by highway from Kathmandu and siddharthanagar. this town has also good hotel facilities and provisions as well as porters can be easily arranged for trekkers.
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