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His majesty received early education in St.Joseph's School, Darjeeling and got higher education in Eton College of England, in the University of Tokyo, and Harvard University of the United States .
His Majesty King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev and Aishwarya Rajya Laxmi Devi has an elder son Royal Highness crown Prince Dipendra was born on June 27,1971. Her royal highness Princess shruti, their first daughter, was born on Oct 15, 1976 and the third child. His Royal highness Prince Nirajan, was born on November 6,1978.
His Majesty king Birendra ascended the throne of the Kingdom of Nepal on January 31,1972 upon the sudden death of His majesty king Mahendra.
His majesty holds firm belief that the prosperity and progress in Nepal can only be achieved by rapid economic growth. His Majesty proclaimed the establishment of five development regions in the country. His Majesty's regular visits to the development regions along with on the site inspection of development projects, has caused much acceleration to the overall tempo of national development.
Due to his strong conviction towards Politics for development which he has recently commanded to his Majesty's government to uplift the Nepalese living conditions to the Asian standards by 2000 AD.
Her Majesty Queen Aishwarya Rajya Laxmi Devi Shah was born on November 7,1949 in KTM
Her Majesty Queen is the oldest daughter of late lieutenant General Kendra Shumsher J.B. Rana and Rana Rajya laxmi Rana.
Her Majesty also inaugurated United nations regional conference on 'The particular of women in Political Economic and social Development on February 15,1977.
Her Majesty also dedicated towards the social work. In February 1977 established social services National co-ordination as a chair persons.
Her Majesty also achieved several awarded "save the children Distinguished service to the children of Nepal by save the children federation of USA on DEC 1983, and on 23rd Nov 1985 her majesty was also honored with a "Medal of distinction one of the most outstanding Lioness medals by lions international.
Along with his Majesty King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev, Her Majesty Queen Aishwarya Rajya Laxmi Devi Shah has become center of aspiration for the people of nepal.
The Tragic death of royal family massacre which stunned the whole world in 3rd june 2001 on friday.
From early beginnings Nepalese culture has traces up to modern times which is as an another art is Sculpture. These kind of carved artifacts have been found in the Terai region of our country nearly all Nepalese Sculptures are of a religious character. It seems these kind of artists themselves were also greatly with a feeling of religious devotion.
The Sculpture of Nepalese has reached its zenith in the Lichchhavi,copper,stone, and bronze image from this period show round faces with slanted eyes. The presentation of simplicity is the main function. The use of various ornaments and clothes was quite moderate, many Hindu deities, for example are shown wearing only a dhoti. Buddhists deities were carved to show them wearing long sanghatis saffron colored robe that the Buddhist were hanging . Mostly Lichchhavi period sculptures used basalt for their work, first chiselling and then smoothing and varnishing,portraits with iron dust. Some of the best example of Lichchhavi art are the images of 'SLEEPING' in Budhanilkhantha,located eight km of north of Kathmandu and Vishnu Vikranth or Dwarf incarnation fence near Lazimpat in Kathmandu.
Today nepal has lost the man of honour girija prashad koirala who was nepalese politician and President of nepali congress. He was born in bihar india in 1925.
He was active in politics for over sixty years was a pioneer of the Nepalese labour movements. He also became the first democratically prime minister in 1991 who was elected since 1959.
In 1947 Koirala became involved in politics. In 1948 Koirala founded the Nepal Mazdoor Congress, later known as the nepal congress trade union. Later, he was choosen the President of the Morang district Nepali Congress and held that office until he was arrested and imprisoned. Due to his release in 1967 along with other leaders and workind party who got exile to india until his return to Nepal in 1979. He was also general secretary of nepal. He also got involved in jana andolan which led to the abolition of the panchayat system or rule and the introduction of a different multi-party politics in the country nepal.
In Nepal's first multi-party democratic election in 1991, Koirala was elected as a Member of Parliament from the Morang-1 and Sunsari-5 constituencies. The Nepali Congress won 110 of the 205 seats in the Pratinidhi Sabha, the lower house of parliament. He was subsequently elected as the leader of the Nepali Congress parliamentary party and was appointed as Prime Minister by King Birendra.[2]
During his first term, the house of representatives enacted legislation to liberalize education, media and health sectors in the country. The government also founded the Purwanchal University and the BP Koirala Institute of Health and Sciences (BPKIHS) in the Eastern Development region and granted licenses to private sector to run medical and engineering colleges in various parts of the country. The government also undertook the construction of the BP Memorial Cancer hospital in Bharatpur, Nepal with assistance from the government of China.
In November 1994 he called for a dissolution of parliament and general elections after a procedural defeat on the floor of the House when 36 Members of Parliament (MPs) of his party went against a government-sponsored vote of confidence. This led to the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist Leninist)-led coalition coming to power in the elections that followed.[2]
Second term
Koirala took over as Prime Minister from Surya Bahadur Thapa following the collapse of the coalition government led by Thapa. Koirala first headed a Nepali Congress minority government until December 25, 1998 after which he headed a three-party coalition government with the Communist Party of Nepal (UML) and the Nepal Sadhbhawana Party.
Third term
Koirala became Prime Minister in 2000 for his third term following the resignation of Krishna Prasad Bhattarai, under whose leadership party had won the parliamentary election. The Nepali Congress Party had won the election claiming Krishna Prasad Bhattarai would be the Prime Minister, but Koirala led a group of dissident MPs and forced Bhattarai to resign or face a no confidence motion. At that time Nepal was fighting a civil war against the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist). During his third term as Prime Minister, his government was plagued by allegations of corruption. Following the massacre in the Royal Palace, Koirala was further criticized for his perceived inability to handle the crisis. Koirala resigned in July 2001[2] following which the military was mobilized in the civil war for the first time, something Koirala had unsuccessfully attempted to do while in office. He was replaced by former Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba, who was elected by majority of members of Nepali Congress.
Fourth term
After the reinstatement of the Nepal House of Representatives, Pratinidhi Sabha, on 24 April 2006 following the Loktantra Andolan, Koirala was selected to become Prime Minister by the leaders of the Seven Party Alliance.
The reinstated House of Representatives passed laws to strip the King of his powers and bring the Army under civilian control.
Following the promulgation of the interim constitution, Koirala, as the Prime Minister, has been the interim head of state of Nepal.
On 1 April 2007, Koirala was re-elected as Prime Minister to head a new government composed of the SPA and the CPN (Maoist).
Following the April 2008 Constituent Assembly election, the Constituent Assembly voted to declare Nepal a republic on 28 May 2008. Koirala, speaking to the Constituent Assembly shortly before the vote, said that "we have a big responsibility now"; he said that Nepal was entering a "new era" and that "the nation's dream has come true".[4]
In the discussions on power-sharing that followed the declaration of a republic, the Nepali Congress proposed that Koirala become the first President of Nepal; however, the CPN (Maoist), which had emerged as the strongest party in the Constituent Assembly election, opposed this.[5] At a meeting of the Constituent Assembly on June 26, 2008, Koirala announced his resignation, although it would not be finalized until after the election of a President, to whom the resignation had to be submitted.[6]
Koirala was present for the swearing in of Ram Baran Yadav, the first President of Nepal, on July 23, 2008.[7][8] He submitted his resignation to Yadav later on the same day.[9] CPN (M) Chairman Prachanda was elected by the Constituent Assembly to succeed Koirala on August 15, 2008, and Koirala congratulated Prachanda on this occasion.[10]
Recent activity
Towards the end of his life, Mr. Koirala was leading a democratic front composed of parties that support and promote liberal democratic principles and aspire for a lasting establishment of democratic form of governance in Nepal. To honor his special role in resolving Maoist conflict in Nepal, the Nepalese government recently nominated him for Nobel Prize. Mr. Koirala is the author of the book Simple Convictions: My Struggle for Peace and Democracy[11]
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0 comments Posted by shenmi at 3:38 AM
Pokhara is knows as the heaven city of nepal. It's valley occupy a central location in Nepal and is dominated by the peaks of Annapurna range. It's unique setting may be judged from the fact that the town of Pokhara (931 meters), is only fifty km from Annapurna (8,091 meters) cleraly seen from the valley. The northern horizon is defined by a seventy km long wall of snow and ice with numerous peaks.
Pokhara valley abounds in Lakes. Sporting activities such as canoeing and swimming are conducted on Phewa Lakes, as well as fishing on a small island is a temple dedicated to Varahi, where devotees go about their worshiping undisturbed by the goings on of holiday-makers in boats on the water and the occasional barbeques on the banks of the lake.
In Pokhara the tropical low hills and plain are the home of Brahmin, Chettri, and other Hindu castes , while the temperature highlands are mainly inhabitated by tribal Gurung and Magar.
Women weaving exquistic carpets using traditional designs and methods handed down for generations. these is also a kind of business which is done by a women. It is also means to earn the money.
It has places of geologic interest to visit, such as the Seti River gorge which flows some ninety-one meters below ground level, David falls where cascading water vanishes underground and Mahendra Cave. There are deep canyons by various tributaries of the seti river.
Pokhara is a base for all treks to the Annapurna region, several mini-treks can also be organised. In there sarangkot hill offers a spectacular bird's-eye view of Phewa Lake, the entire Annapurna range, the river Seti and the villages of Hyangja. Naundanda, the twin peaks of Machhapuchhre, the Fish Tail Mountain, can be seen.

In these Pokhara valley is humid subtropical with heavy rains during the summer. Spring, autumn and winter are ideal seasons for visiting and trekking around Pokhara valley. It is connected by daily flights with Kathmandu and also by highway from Kathmandu and siddharthanagar. this town has also good hotel facilities and provisions as well as porters can be easily arranged for trekkers.
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NOSTRADAMUS gives the chilling prophecy which is still believed in today's world. For centuries the prophecies of Nostradamus have been part of the historical record. While highly speculative and controversial, their author's legacy endure. NOSTRADAMUS prophecy has given a lot of incident about its 1st world war, 2nd world war, 9/11 attacks, anti Christ and many more.
Earthshaking fire from the center of the Earth.
Will cause tremors around the new city.
Two great rocks will war for a long time.
Then Arethusa will redden a new river.
Well, two great rocks could be two towers, right?
But would you say those towers were warring?
These refers to 9/11 attacks . These might refers to some kind of natural calamities or disaster. Back when Nostradamus wrote those lines about the twin tower, jumbo jets like the ones that hit twin towers and cities like modern-day New York were probably unthinkable and unimaginable, so if predict these events, would he have even known what he was seeing throught his life.
The two greatest ones of Asia and of Africa,
From the Rhine and Lower Danube they will be said to have come,
Cries, tears at Malta and the Ligurian side.
Also ... From the depths of the West of Europe,
A young child will be born of poor people,
He who by his tongue will seduce a great troop;
His fame will increase towards the realm of the East.
These two verses may describe World War II and Hitler was one of the most notable things about Hitler cruel intention towards his ruling system. The talk of Nostradamus' prophecy of Hitler may come from his use, in the original text, of the Latin word "Hister" to describe the Danube. The Hitler who is known for his cruelty dictatorship.
Near the gates and within two cities
There will be scourges the like of which was never s
Famine within plague, people put out by steel,
Crying to the great immortal God for relief.
It is an description of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This verse is exact because it cheats a bit on the specifics. Critics ha charged that it's so wide that it could also be used to describe a whole wartime behavior during any of many wars that took place between Nostradamus' time in the 16th century and today and also in the future.
The lost thing is discovered, hidden for many centuries.
Pasteur will be celebrated almost as a God-like figure.
This is when the moon completes her great cycle,
But by other rumors he shall be dishonored.
Louis Pasteur's probably once indicated a profession which argue that is bit of Nostradamian prose could just be about any old priest. It is also a shout-out to the man who studied microbial decay, brought you spoilage immune milk and found a vaccine for rabies.He deserved the support which no one doubt
The great man will be struck down in the day by a thunderbolt,
An evil deed foretold by the bearer of a petition.
According to the prediction, another falls at night time.
Conflict at Reims, London and a pestilence in Tuscany.
The great man was struck down in the day, as John F. Kennedy was assassination. The other one was his brother Bobby Kennedy (five years later). Do you really think a Secret Service agent reading that passage in November 1963 would have cause to be concerned?Probably it may not be. And what is about london,reims.
The cities of Tours, Orleans, Blois, Angers, Reims and Nantes
Are troubled by sudden change.
Tents will be pitched by (people) of foreign tongues;
Rivers, darts at Rennes, shaking of land and sea.
Did he really mean NEW Orleans?
The shaking of land and sea might describe the hurricane or other natural calamities. The people with foreign tongues be aid workers from other parts of the world, or a country?But what the anger,reims,nantes being over there? This prophecy was originally thought to refer to France about pre-katrina.
Conquering of the balkan Peninsular
Very much before such intrigues
those of the East by virtue of the Moon:
the year 1700 they will cause great ones to be carried off,
almost subjugating the Aquilon corner.
These verse says about the turkeys taking the majority of the balkan peninsular which was finally fight against by peter the great of russia. They also say the moon is refer to crescent moon which is the symbol of islam. There was a term of Aquilon which was known in the term in the time of nostradamous to mean the north wind.
From the enslaved populace, songs,
Chants and demands
While princes and lords are held captive in prisons.
These will in the future by headless idiots
Be received as divine prayers
French Revolution, very popular movement. The peasants rising to power, the aristocracy taken down. Bastille refers to the "great wall" faling. It's possible that Nostradamus saw the coming of a peasant uprising completely about non-astrological but through his own eyes as he saw the contrast between aristocracy and commoner people in 16th-century of France.
He was a Nepali nobleman. He was the ninth descendant of Dravya shah,the founder of the ruling house of Nepal.
He was born from immature pregnancy by Kaushalyawati Shah however was raised by his senior mother Chandra Prabhavati.He had a great desire to get victory over Nuwakot. He had the desire to get victory once even by fighting vigorously, though he was defeated. His senior mother was his perfection against his loyalty towards the unification of modern Nepal. Walking around Gurkha and talking to people about the general concern of the palace was his likeness and this helped him to understand the needs of the citizens of Gurkha.
King Narayan Shah's was successful entry began with the victory of Nuwakot,which is located between Kathmandu and Gurkha District, in 1744 A.D.After that he took possession in the hills surrounding the Kathmandu valley.The valleys communications with the outside world were cut off. The occupation of the kuti pass stopped the valleys trade with Tibet in 1756 A.D.King Prithivi Narayan shah entered the valley finally after conquering Kritipur. Jaya Prakash Malla of Kathmandu managed to escape with his wife and took shelter in Patan. The conquest was extended to Patan a few weeks later both the king of Patan, Tej Narsingh Malla and Prakash Malla, took refugee in Bhaktapur,which was also conquered after some time. King Prithivi Narayan shah conquered the Kathmandu valley and made Kathmandu the capital of Nepal in 1769 A.D. King Prithivi Narayan Shah turned his attention towards the east when the foundation of the kingdom was laid. The Sena Kingdom of Choudandi was conquer by 1773 A.D. and Vijaypur, another Sena Kingdom was control shortly after.At that time Nepal extended from the Punjab to Sikkim and was almost twice as large in land areas as it is today.King Prithivi Narayan Shah also made distance relations with the British, refusing to trade with them. He died before he could organize the administration of his new country. He died at the age of 52 in 1775 A.D.
He won the hearts of many Nepalese citizen at that time through his bravery deeds till now he remains in the heart of many people and he became the last hero of Nepalese people.
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0 comments Posted by shenmi at 11:10 PM
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