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Most of the film which are adapted from the Novel are being hit and some also got awards like Oscar, Emmy awards and many more like godfather, brokeback mountain, the silence of the lambs, the hours, the lord of the rings:the fellowship of the ring and many more which turns out to be mega blockbusters all over the world. The others film which is still popular till today which comes of all category like horror, thriller,action,animated movie,love story,zombie movie, detective . The films are like walk to remember, A night at rodanthe, God father, silence of lamb, X-MEN, Men in Black, kiss the girls, Nancy drew, Forrest gump, the shinning, a pet semetary and many more.
These can be an easy for the writers, directors, screenplay writers, co-writers etc. So, it will be easy for them to make a movie related with novels. It very much popular nowadays in Hollywood and Bollywood also. Its like a trend to take a movie out of novels. These year Twilight became very much famous among the viewers. These movie was also adapted from the book "Twilight". Through these movie it became mega hit so there was another sequel made New moon which also adapted from the book. Another sequel also coming till the novel is finished.
The same title of movie is given which is written in novel . So till today there i a trend of adapting novel into the movie but it might create less creativity so there also have to use their own creativity story or dialogues of their which can be better. New ideas, drama, dialogues. These are the things which is written in these adapting film from novel.
There is also a hope when there is no way we can do about in our life but still there is a way in it.
It is also a type of choice that is we must make about it when the situation in life has given us a difficult situation particularly. The hope can bring a strong feeling of self-identity and a strong self esteem.
Hope of everything can be but you have to find out the way in it or the track like there is idioms "if there is a will then there is a way". So it is belief that there is a hope of everything but you must have to believe in it there is a hope. It is also feels like the virtually everything we do is based on hope. People feel like there is a hope when there is a chance in it also. For example while giving exam there is a hope of passing out the exam, in hospital in operation theater there is a hope of surviving, game also there is a hope of winning the match, in theater also there is a hope of getting tickets in full house and many more. So these thing say that there is a hope of everything. In movie or cartoons also they show that there is a hope at last when there is nothing to do about it.
Hope also brings a vibe of positiveness rather than negativeness. If people have a feeling that there is a hope within them then there wishes can come true. So there is a hope of every single things.
In urban areas of Kathmandu Capital of Nepal also there is no proper construction of building. It is not done in a systematic way. In some part there is an apartment, shopping mall, civil homes, shops, school, office etc. In some part only there is a proper management of Buildings and infrastructure.The building is also quite conjusted where there is no free space in it. Some building are also not renovated which is in needed. There is also no plaster at side but in front there is a proper Building shape. In town there is a vegetable shop near Big shopping mall which is quite awkward.
Nepal lies one of the worst city because there is no proper building infrastructure in nepal. The construction of infrastructure is very poor. No proper space of tall buildings. Most of the houses or buildings doesn't have proper plasters which look dirty, old, odd. Not only these there is no renovate of an old Buildings. These building might bring fall down anytime because of its poor management.
So Nepal is very much week in Building system. The Government of nepal should imply the rules of proper management system of buildings so the country will look more systematic otherwise it will unsystematic. Not only that but there also should be a proper construction of infrastructure. The Government of Nepal can also imply for the renovate method for freea or give loan where building to be dome.
In the urban areas there is a proper family system which is a nuclear family whereas in rural areas there is joint family. There is no constant system in Nepal family system. In Nepal there is also a system of looking after his or her parents till to their death. They have to look after them because it is the rule, system or tradition. In some part of family member only there is no system of looking parents in Nepal. But in most of the family members it is the part of the culture. A son has to look after his parents and their daughter is taken to her husband house. If the daughter is only one child of her parents so she is in charge to look after her parents. It is so because there is no system of being independent at the age of 18 of their own. They are not privileged to live oft heir own by leaving his or her parents house. So that's why these things are proceed.
The only change has occur is that in Family Planning system of Nepal due to the education in urban areas which is a nuclear family system . There is happy and small Family . In rural areas there is still Joint family due to the lack of awareness programme, education and many more. The family system of nepal can only be systematic if government made a systematic rule and regulations regarding it.

The nun is a women who has been a purely religious act in a certain manner related her life with a religious life. She might be the one the prevalent attitude of the society and live her life in prayer.
They meditation on spiritual matter. The nun is also referred to both eastern and western tradition. Nun and sister are often used. There is also a nun who lives in the church related with the life of prayer and meditation while sister to prepare for the priesthood or religious life which if often to sick, needy people,poor and many more. Nun wears the undergarments which are made up of wool and tunic tied around the waist with a cloth or it might be of leather belt. There is a scarf in their head which is made up of wool. There is chain of cross crucifix, beads of cross in their hand.
To also be a nun a women have to be catholic or unmarried. There is also the thing that women who are not virgin can also become a nun. There is also a rule that women who have got divorced cannot become a nun unless they got divorce from the catholic church. It is also said that widow women can also become nun where there is not restriction in it. These is written in the prescription of Catholic Nun.
These are the things that nurse performed in their life. In some part there is restriction whereas some part there is no restriction. Nurse have their own kind of life which is similar with monk women.
Novel is a fictional prose narrative which has actions, speech unfolds. The Novel can be of fictional, horror, suspense, thriller , romance and many more. Novel is a part of a human life also. Because in novels there will be a story of a person life based also on the true story. Some novels are of spirits, evil, fairy tale, magic, fantasy, love story and some are killing, murder and many more.
Many people will go deeper and deeper while reading books. Some people have their imagination of their own related with the novel, some will have emotion or cry while reading, some will get chill on the back of the spine, scared and many more. Most of the people undergoes these kind of situation while reading the novels. Its makes people like they are into the novel. People are being into imagination of their own while reading books. Novel can have the true incidents in which readers life can be match. Novel can also might be part of our life. Readers like to read novel because it might be the part of their life.
So these are the things that novel can be a part of the feeling. It added some emotions to the readers feeling. That' why readers always likes to prefer reading novel rather than other course books like science, maths, social studies etc
0 comments Posted by shenmi at 12:58 AM
Nepal is backward in education system till today's modern times . It has got the system of rote learning in most of the education institution. There is a only a few system where methods or technique, practical
is used. These rote learning is an technique which avoids understanding of a subject and instead focusing on memorization.
Rote learning is often view as a bad practice which is not good for the students. Its makes students dull, unskilled, less creativity and many more. In Nepal many students try to rote learning rather than understanding the text properly. It is done through the repetition of words or sentence. So many students like the higher scorers usually used rote learning method because they can memorization. It's like a parrot who can speak the same words which have speak out.
In any institution of Nepal there is less praticle than theoretical which is very much hazardous to the students. Practical. A praticle resources can enhance teachers understanding of how their students will able to learn to spell and provide some kind of advice related with wealth and the practical activities to day to day classroom things and programmes. It also brings creativeness to the students to make of their own thoughts and feeling about what they know about these subjects or matters.
Not only in literature but also in the Maths and science there is a rote learning due to less praticle method used in these subject. The students wont understand so they will rote learnibng the mathematical methods.
Nepal can be developed in Education system if they follow more practical rather than doing the rote learning or teaching the students only from Books.
It is not only the land of Mountainous region, natural beauty but also a land of hope. Nepalese people have a hope of everything regarding the health, infrastructure, religion, education , politics, electricity, water , food and many more. We Nepalese people have got a hope that in coming future or years there is a hope of everything but the hope might be shattered if there is no change in the conception of people mind.
The government of nepal keeps fighting only for the seats but not for the development of the country. They are more eager into the money and level rather the making country stronger. In Nepalese people there is concept the a new government will bring change in the nation but it remains as old Nepal. Many people were excited about new government and new nepal but neither there was a change. We hope that our country could have strong constitution, to control over price, regular electricty, water, systematic infratrucutres like buildings, industry, housing, road etc.
There is only a hope but no change in our country. The India and Nepal started a Economic business but the India is much more stronger and getting higher nowadays comparision. Nowadays country economic is falling day by day. Our country is degrading day by day rather than improving. To develop our country and to make our hopes true these should be a systematic education system. Education is the lightning of our knowledge. These is the main things people needed to become more liberal in thinking, skills, power. The another main problem of Nepal is that there is no stability of Government. If Government remains stronger then our country nepal can be developed easily. So there should be fixed government to rule out the country for is betterment. It also predict that our country can organize "World Cup"
there is smoothness in Politics of Nepal.

Nepal is now on the verge of development but there is still a problem regarding this matters. Due to political problem of nepal the its find hard to develop Nepal. The government in nepal has experienced great turmoil in the past and continues to be unsettled.Nepal was a country of peace but now days there is a war, dispute, quarrel, high range of kidnapped, murder and threat killing including journalist, poverty, water pollution scarcity , electricity shortage.
Nepal is deteriorating day by day rather than developing. Due to political unstable, violence the country is becoming poorer and poorer. There is no proper constitution in nepal. Due to these also country is falling down. People are not unaware of it. They are breaking the rules and regulation. In Nepal there was a situation of kidnapping continuously due to lack of strong investigaaters they were unable to catch the victimizer. Not only these but also a threat killing life to journalist and media persons also.Till today these is still going.
Government of nepal has 5 years plan for the elections. After 5 years in seat they have to change the Government but in Nepal the government keeps changing from time to time. There is no permanent fixed government system in Nepal. It's keep changing from time to time which is the great problem in the nation. Due to these reasons also our country is not developed related with economic, socially, politically, culturally, environmental and many more. Our country is also backward in education and in health system which is the most important factors to develop the country. There is no proper system of legislative, executive and legal. In other country the main reasons for development is also because of stability of Government in actual time period. But in Nepal there is no proper strong governing system. The leaders of our nepal fighting for each others or for parties, seats but not for the development of nations. Another reasons is that they do a lot of corruption including the funds, aids, donations, tax. Due to these reasons country Nepal is slowly detoriating day by day.
If we want to develop our country then our leaders have to be strong and commitment towards their work. They have to impose the long term policy stability governing system so country can be on the verge of development.
In a compare to religion science brings some new, ideas, things. Religion and science at odd they never agree, disagreement not true. Religion is wrong on science perception and science are wrong in religion perception. Science is even more changeable than theology. Science is related with the general conditions which are observed to regulate physical phenomena whereas religion is moral and aesthetic feelings and values. In every age many thinker have authority in subject.
In science there is an experiment, technology which is used in real life. Science has given prediction through the experiment by using different tool and techniques. So in these modern age people dependent on the science. For eg science has made different equipments to cure diseaeses, in war also people used weapons through the invention done by science and many more. In religion there is a faith that if religion not progressed it will not lose hold on people. Religion presents imagine of picture like heaven, god and goddesses. In science persons objective doesn't matter but these has to be objective.
In some point religion is right but in some point science is right. In these modern age science is dominant to religion . So religion and science fighting for the truth about them

Many people have heard, read , seen about the Black magic. Black Magic very much rare. The persons doing very rare of Black Magic. Only specific person done. Black Magic is also known as Dark Magic which has got the benevolent. These kinds of Magic is very much risky to the ordinary people because it might wishing to kill, destruction, injure, accidents, steal and many more.
In these Black Magic they used different kinds of object like straw, needle, body secretion , lock of hair, dolls, animal scarification, candles, photo, blood, feathers and many more. These object is quite unusual of unique performed in black magic. Black Magic used including the killing of diseases or insects that harms.The people who used Black Magic itself is a an argument that effects itself is expression to harm others which is done by causing deaths to insects. Black Magic can be performed by male or female can be ale. There is no any restriction regarding these matters. Each countries has different Black Magician and their own styles. There is a belief that Black Magician can seen ghosts, spiritual at the night. They have got some special power of mantras to defeat demons and evils.
Black Magic also knows as evil magic. Similarly white magic or black magic is used as between healing/deffensive and offensive spells. So, these are the things in which Black Magic are done or perform in different countries of the world in their own way.

In these country nepal there is a tradition house still today especially in town among newars community which is still today build by people of newar community.
These kind of typical traditional houses are also built in town which is quite attractive, unique, extraordinary and many more. These kind of house are especially made of clay, bricks which is the old tradition of making the houses.These houses are made of up bricks, mud , clay which is not very strong enough but it has got unique style The houses has got its windows which is also similar to 55 windows style known as akhe jhal in nepali. The windows are constructed of holes windows which is very much attractive. The doors are also made of wooden carved style. In it there is a wooden roof above the windows. In traditional houses if is lavishly carved wooden windows on backgrounds of brick Walls which is provided its unique structure to the streets and possessions economic conditions which is gotten by the people of Kathmandu valley in the period of Malla Period. There was a downfall of cultural development because of the beginning of Shah dynasty. Traditional buildings have been replaced by the tall constructed buildings which has got few artistic spice.
In Nepal is is still present of these kinds of houses especailly in newar community in Nepal. Due to the modernization of people these houses are very few compare to modern houses. These kinds of houses should not be abolish through the country because it gives unique style in the streets. These kind of houses not only unique in nepal but all over the world which is not built these kinds of houses.
In Nepal the sati system was one of the harsh system for the women of nepal. These Sati system was done in the hindu kingdoms of nepal. It was also done in the india in some part which was practise before the time of the Gupta empire, approximately 400 A.D. In Nepal there was also system which was prevelant during rana period which was quite akward to the women.These system came into an existende due to many problems like due to political, social,economic, cultural and many more.
In the ancient times in the Hindu religion wife has to sacrifice if men died for some cases like murder, suicide, accidents etc. She has to be burn to death if her husband died which is akward These system was prevelant in rana period also.The system was exists in the hindu religion in ancient Nepal that is during the ruling time of Licchavi dynasty. It Is also says that sati system is not compulsory then. It also has seen many temples which is construsted by their widows in their name of husband.
During the medival period sati was in not lasting time that which was not compulsory then.It is also believed that sati system was more among the royalties.The queen and marital have also burn themselves along with the dead of the king.
It is also said that the many queen didn't prefer sati system and they compels other whom they didn't like and they felt as compete to burning. There was also rules that once the widow make t decisions of their own to become sati they were move from lower to higher to funeral pyre she must become Sati. In case if she didnt follow these rules she was outcasted from the society.
So these are the simple things explained about sati system in nepal which is already abolished by

The unique dance of nepal of nepal "LAKHEY" which is famous among newar community. In ancestor that Lakhey should have fallen in love with a girl who is from Majipa. It is believed that the demon turns himself into a human beings to see his loved ones in the city. Knowing the fact that the person is a Lakhey, which the people captures the lakhey so they can give it up present to the king. If he protects the children form the demons and evils he will grant him a place in the city . These made proposal by King to the demon Lakhey and also him to participate in Indra Jatra which is also called Punhi Jatra. Due to these reasoned lakhey reside in Majipa.
There is another story which in there is a cannibal children of the king called Sawan Bhaku which was requested given to do so by Akash Bhairabh and . These two children claim that they return to the city on Yanyaa Punhi to clame their rules and to destroy humans. Lakhey work is to send them out of the city. So these shows that dance was conducted in Yanyaa Punhi which is done every year.
These dance is performed by the Ranjitkars of Kathmandu valley. In these traditional dance there is no trained skills . These dance is inherited in their own genes. The lakhey dance also performs in Goonlaa month of nepal sambat new lunar calender so they are called Goonlaa.
Maijpan lakhey is also another kind of lakhey Aaju which is very special Lakhey. He is also called peaceful Bhairav. These kind of dance which takes place only in the week of full moon of Yenlaa month of Nepal Sambat which is unique than other kind of dance which is done only in particular time.
So. from these Traditional Lakhey dance it is only a dance but these dancers also considered the protecttor of the children especially in Kathmandu.
In Nepal due to the continuously of political unstable there is a problem regarding the worsen of the humanitarian of mankind which has challenges in the humanitarian workers.
The country Nepal has got a weak governance which is analysis by saying that it is because of fixed dislike of different government parties.Because of these there is a impact of continuously political instability.
Nepal is dependent usually on the foreign aid which is for the development programmes which the political becomes crisis could make the confidence of an international donor agencies shaken.
The Humanitarian has said about political instability situation has hampering the efforts to improve the infrsatruture and other related things like disaster caused by flood and landslide.
These country has faced different kind of circumstances regarding political matters.In Nepal there is 5 year plan about the election of the choosing of Government. The Government of Nepal keeps on changing temporarily.So there is no constant government policy.It's keep on changing time to time,year and year. Due to these problem there is no strong government policy and Nepal is degrading day by day.Many problems will occurs like economic problem,infarstructure problem, social problem, cultural problem and others if political remain instabilty.
So the government of nepal should put in their mind regarding political instability to developed the country situation in time.
Blind has got its own experience in their life.There are also a categories of blind like Partial blind, visually impaired, color blindness, visual disability and many more. These type of blind has their won blindness. It is even heard for the Blind who is not born blind from the birth but after due to diseases, aciddents and many things.
There is one friend in my college. He is blind from the birth only. I was very much eager to ask the life of blind. He didn't hesitated to answer the question that "Do u dream in your sleep?", he answer no "We don't dream but we see the shadows in our dream and hear only people talking".
These shows that Blind never dream in their sleep . He also said that he can go to his house by himself through the bus. He can also sense the way of his home. Not only these but he can also sense his/ her friend through shadow, smell. Almost all the thing simple things he can do by himself but some complicated part he needed a helping hands. He also said that its become a habit for them to be Blind and do daily activities. He also says that once in a lifetime for one or two seconds i just wanna see the world and people around me.
Many people also will be eager to know that what is the medium that Blind people will study. The Blind people has got an especial instruments Braille. With the help of these they can write in it. Even there is a Braille Book, Tact watches, Jitterbug phones , Cane and many more. In the market there is a technology development for Blind people only.
From his experience we can say that they also wants to have an ordinary and we should treat them like normal people but not an abnormal people. " Helen Keller who was deaf blind her activities show that blind can also do the work like normal people and she also wrote the books like light in my darkness,the story of my life, the world i live in, Teacher:Anne Sullivan Macy. Through my friend experiences, Helen Keller and other inspirational blind people. We should think that they also can do the think which they wanted to do. Till now there is no cure for the
Blind to recover.
We shouldn't be afraid of death cause it is a universal process of mankind. Death for all living beings is not an immortal. Everybody have to did one day. It is natural process. We human beings should not be afraid of death.
World without rules is world without power. There is a proverb like "No smoke without fire" it means country cannot be run properly if there is no systematic rules. The country might be detoritating day by day if there is no proper or strong rules.
Countries must have powerful rules if there is no rules than casualties occur in the country. People will be irrational like an animal. They will do whatever they like to do. No more fear will be there if there is no rules. They started killing their own nature, do abnormal activities, breaking against the rules and many more. Uncivilized will be form if there is no proper constitution. For example when we see the world